


Multinational Enterprises and Sustainable Development – the MESD association is a non-profit organization. This association aims to: promote research on strategy of multinational enterprises for sustainable development; encourage exchanges between international teachers, researchers and professionals; contribute to the development and diffusion of knowledge in the field above mentioned, through international conferences, research projects, and publications; develop contacts with international organizations with similar or complementary objectives. MESD pursues a mission of development and opening of its international activities. Conferences provide opportunities for relationships with foreign academic communities by sharing knowledge in an international level. In recent years, several conferences were thus included in this perspective. MESD's international relationships are also based on an membership network.

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 CIBER - Georgia Institute of Technology

Georgia Institute of Technology's Center for International Business Education and Research (GT CIBER), The GT CIBER, created in 1993, is one of the thirty national resource centers of excellence in international business funded by the U.S. Department of Education. It is administratively located in the Georgia Tech College of Management, and also collaborates with the Ivan Allen College. Georgia Tech has a long history in business education, dating back to 1913. Graduates from the College of Management fill strategic technological and managerial positions in Fortune 500 firms, government, small and mid-size companies and entrepreneurial ventures. The MBA program was ranked 32nd in the United States by US News and World Report in 2004. The MBA program ranks in the top 10% of the graduate programs accredited by the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business and in the top 3% of all MBA programs in the U.S.

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