International scientific commitee

Prof. José ALLOUCHE - University of Paris I - Pantheon Sorbonne, France
Prof. Pierre BARDELLI - CEREFIGE - University Paul Verlaine, Metz, France
Prof. Mohamed BAYAD - CEREFIGE - University Nancy 2, France
Prof. Yves BERTHELOT - Georgia Institute of Technology Europe, France
Prof. Bert BRAS - Georgia Institute of Technology, United-States
Prof. Michel CAPRON - University of Paris 8, France
Prof. Thomas FROEHLICHER - University of Liege, Belgium
Prof. Corinne GENDRON - University of Quebec, Montreal, Canada
Prof. Jacques IGALENS - University of Toulouse 1, France
Prof. Mireille JAEGER - CEREFIGE - University Nancy 2, France
Prof. John R. McINTYRE - Georgia Institute of Technology, United-States
Prof. Bryan NORTON - Georgia Institute of Technology, United-States
Prof. Ravi SUBRAMANIAN - Georgia Institute of Technology, United-States
Prof. Beril TOKTAY - Georgia Institute of Technology, United-States
Prof. Francis ULGADO - Georgia Institute of Technology, United-States